No compromises
Your product must arrive safe and sound. This requires quality without making any compromises: High-grade materials, ColomPac® self-sealing, integrated tear open strip and well thought-out solutions. We develop and produce all ColomPac® products at our own production site in Hall in Tyrol and we pay great attention to detail. We don’t want you to have to make any compromises either!
available immediately from stock
E-commerce is highly dynamic. Everything must be available right away. In order to make this possible, ColomPac® offers a complete range of products. For almost every product there is at least one suitable shipping solution available immediately from stock. From traditional book packaging to fashion boxes. From one pack unit in drop-shipment to large quantities. We make sure you get what you need. And when you need it.
Designed and produced
specifically for you
You are looking for packaging to suit your specific product or brand? We develop your customised solution together with you. We work closely with the online market, we know the special challenges, not only in terms of technology and production, but also when it comes to printing and design. We make sure your product and your brand really hit the mark.
with high standards
Sustainability should be more than a buzzword. We deal honestly with this sensitive issue. Corrugated board and cardboard are natural materials and are easy to recycle to 100%. Our ColomPac® products are of course FSC® certified and produced regionally in Austria. We act responsibly by constantly optimising our products, considering the optimised use of materials and, where possible, minimising greenhouse gas emissions in the value chain.
But we have even greater ambitions: More ideas instead of more material, well thought-out instead of simply copied – that’s how we make ColomPac® an ever-better product.
Produced by
Dinkhauser in Tyrol
Original ColomPac® is a brand of Dinkhauser Kartonagen. For more than 175 years, we have been developing and producing high-quality shipping packaging – both standardised or customised. Our state-of-the-art production facility combined with a cutting-edge development unit, enables us to produce the latest generation of packaging solutions for retail, industry and e-commerce. Our entire offset printing expertise is bundled at the same location in our in-house Aristos printing centre.
We are proud of our ColomPac® products, which we develop and produce for your specific needs.
Yesterday, today and tomorrow.